Who Are We?
We Remember.

Each day, throughout the United States and in our own communities, men and women are called upon to risk their lives in the cause of our safety. Members of our local, county and state law enforcement agencies, our fire departments, and our first aid and rescue squads represent the first line of defense against rising crime rates and other threats to our public safety.

The Middlesex County 200 Club is an organization dedicated to proving to these important public servants that they do not stand alone.

The 200 Club is made up of leaders of business, industry, labor, public service, and other professions whose goal is to provide financial assistance and comfort to families of law enforcement and public safety officials who are killed or disabled in the line of duty. In addition, the 200 Club awards thousands of dollars each year in scholarships to the children of these families.

The 200 Club’s motto — “We Remember” — is a pledge to support the men and women who put their lives on the line.

Who Are We?
We Remember.

Each year we recognize heroes in public safety as well as assist families of those who protect and serve us. Find out more by clicking our links below.

Who Are We?
We Remember.

Our mission is to raise awareness and build support for our public safety officials who are putting their lives in harms way to ensure a safer society. This is why we welcome others to stand together with us and become a member of our organization. With your help, we can continue to give back and show our appreciation.